We are truely sorry about the wait on this title. We haven't heard any information about the release since Febuary, and we are starting to feel panicky that we won't be recieveing the title. We would like to address a few things first.
1. We are getting information from Sony.
Please do not attack us about being un-reliable as we get all our news from Sony contacts. You cannot say we are fake as we were the ones who posted the "Fury! Fury!" trailer a week before it debuted at E3. We were the first to post the UK cover of the game. We were the first to announce the sountrack to the original game in late 2010 which EVERYBODY doubted, and suprise, suprise, in January a new remastered soundtrack for the first game apparead on it's official japanese website. How could someone "guess" a soundtrack was coming out, and then it randomly appears on Sony's website exactly how WE promised it. And remember, this is based on a 12 year old video game. So please, trust us. the only time we have let you down was during the "Million Monkeys" fiasco when we were prosmised it was coming out, and plans changed.
2. Please stop spreading hate.
We cannot control Sony so if something gets cancelled, please don't hate on US. We are just the messenger, in a respect.
We hope you can wait patiently for the game. Cheers,
ApeClub (aka Ape Escape 24)
No worry,I trust you.